Friday 6 December 2019

Bandhan (Dr Saba Khan)- Book Review by Shoby

Bandhan (Dr Saba Khan)-

Book Review by Shahbaz Ali Naqvi (Shoby)

Watch The Video Review at Below Mentioned Link at Official Youtube Channel of Shahbaz Ali Naqvi (Official Shoby)

Margaret Atwood said, "You’re never going to kill storytelling, because it’s built in the human plan. We come with it.” We are living a life full of stories. I feel there are only two type of people in the world. First one, the rare category, the storytellers and the second one, the public, who are the story listeners. No matter what medium you use, if you are an artist, you are a storyteller for sure. As a matter of fact, one can never claim to be an artist, unless he has the tendency to tell stories through his respective art form.

Its always pleasing to see new writers coming up with their books. Thanks GOD, there are still few people, who dare to get their written stuff published for public in this world full of book drought environment. One name in this blessed list is our Social Media star writer Ms. Saba Khan. Saba has been sharing her write ups in both forms (poetry and prose) through social media and her write ups are getting quite a handsome volume of acceptance and fame in the public. Now she has come up with not a single but TWO books simultaneously. (Good Job done girl... Take a bow)...

Well, let me keep my comments aside for a limited time for her poetry book (Muhabbat Hai Saba Jaisi) and let us focus on her first ever prose collection the book tentatively titled as "Bandhan", a collection of 16 different micro fiction stories. The first thing that catches your attention in the book are those beautiful lines from veteran novelist Mr. Mahmood Zafar Iqbal Hashmi. You also get a surprise bonus when you get to read our dearest poetess Naheed Akhtar Baloch's preface.

Now lets dive deeper into the ocean of Bandhan. First thing first, Bandhan is a winner, in the sense that it clearly states the primary objective of the writer in a very simple manner. You dont need any Einstein's brain to grasp the proceedings. Looks like author was very much clear about the message she has to give to the audience, without being preachy. There is nothing right or wrong here, suggested by the author. She has just told you the real life fiction fabricated stories in simplest of words and left it to the reader to be a judge and decide which section of society has gone wrong and how.

All the characters in different stories are fortunately (or unfortunately) an integral part of our society, be it a child beggar or a woman suffering from domestic violence to a prostitute etc. Writer has depicted her characters in such a way that you feel sympathy for them. Although the overall feel of the book is gray and a bit sad but you are bound to admire the bravery of the writer. She has shown her wordy prowess to write some very difficult characters in a very sensitive attire. I loved the way, she demonstrated the character of Jaan e Ada. It reminded me of those classical courtesans like Umrao Jaan e Ada, Chandrmukhi and Sahib Jaan. See, how negligently writer has narrated the small sensitive moments of the story.

Coming towards the dialogue writing, I feel, Saba has the power to write in the same lingo in which her character is being portrayed. From the redefined and sophisticated courtesan to someone behind bars, from a happy go lucky chap (Shaheer) to the insane hurt violent woman, the writer has a complete recipe for every character. She is a poetess and she has told her quite randomly merely through the use of those beautiful defining poetic one-liners in various stories. To be honest, I love this one monologue to the core. To me, the whole book Bandhan is at one side and this one sentence has such a power to overshadow every other written thing in the book.

Main aik muddat se chain ki neend nahi soya Naina...
Kaisey so saktey they Ali... Jab meri ankh Neend ka Zaiyqa bhool chuki hai...

Another positive sign in the book is writer's ability to conclude the proceedings. She knows how to start and sum up the things. Reader is never allowed to get distracted or bored as the fictions are quickly moving towards their finishing lines. A strong sense of observation is depicted by the writer in almost all of the stories. She has written some beautiful scenes in the book, which states that she can write a screenplay for sure with a bit more effort.

Now let me focus on a few things that should be taken care by the writer in the future. The very first thing that I observed (and read sort of a bit confused) is that considering the abilities writer have, she has just touched the upper epidermis of our plagued society. As far as this prose is concerned, looks like she was short of subjects. Although she used different characters from multiple domains but you always feel like reading one same story with same sort of plot and same sort of endings. 

Another shortcoming that I feel is, writer's one sided exhibition. Only one complaint from the writer is written all over the book. She has shown the woman as an object of violence. The female characters in almost all the stories are helpless, abused, distressed and exploited. I am not arguing that she has shown a wrong image of society. Obviously our society is plagued, in fact has been rotten with this syndrome of male domination and women here are mostly suppressed. But I feel, women now are showing their power and brighter image. Being a writer, it is our responsibility to be a true interpreter of the society without being biased. Having said this, I believe, Bandhan was her first experience and this is just a beginning of a long going journey. She will surely explore new domains and more diverse topics in her upcoming projects.

Concluding my review on this note that writer has been successful in establishing her very own place in the literature field with just her first book. I am sure she will continue the efforts and will definitely come up with much more interesting concepts with more beautiful executions. Do purchase hte book, read it and give your honest opinion to the writer. It will work as an oxygen for her literary life.

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