Wednesday 18 May 2016

Save Me... I Am Innocent- Feature by Shoby

Save Me... I Am Innocent- Feature by Shoby

Its not something that has started just now. Universe is witnessing this war between good and evil since the inception. It started when ALLAH asked an arch angel to bow down in front of Adam just to fulfill ALLAH's will. He disobeyed & became the first oppressor and there it started a saga of war between right & wrong. ALLAH sent his Prophets to guide the human race to the true path (Siraat e Mustaqeem) but this human race disobeyed him in every possible manner. "Undoubtedly, man is necessarily in loss" (Sura Asr).

The fight went on to be fought until humanity got to see perhaps the biggest combat of right & wrong in the land of Karbala. From then onward, dynamics of the world has been changed to its optimum. Now there are only two groups of people no matter what religion, color, language, region or race they belong to. Either you are on the right path and termed as a HUSSAINI or you belong to the group of evil and known as Yazidis. May be that is why IMAM HUSSAIN (asws) said that a person like me does not pay allegiance to a person like him (yazid).

Time has passed and even though world has changed and we are now witnessing the era of so called science & technology but one thing that has remain stagnant is the same old fight between right & wrong. If yazidi forces killed IMAM HUSSAIN (asws) & his righteous companions at that time, they are still making the lives tough & killing the innocents all over the world especially in Pakistan.

Some evil forces are continually working against humanity and their agenda is quite visible that is to spread hate & terror. They are killing the innocents without any discrimination of their religion, race, language or color. Although its great to see that the nation has now decided to demolish this terrorism and after Zarb e Azb & with honest efforts of our Pak forces, we have observed quite a significant positive change in the environment but still lots & lots of work is needed to be done in this regard.

Recent target killing of Khurram Zaki (an eminent journalist) is one such example where an innocent Pakistani who used to speak openly against the terrorism & extremism was brutally murdered. I was going through some tweets for the past few days and to much of my surprise, some so called liberals who used to speak in favor of human justice & equality has started a campaign against Khurram Zaki for no reason at all. They have tried very hard to represent Mr. Khurram as a representative of a specific sect, which is totally wrong. He never focused on a specific sect, in fact he always said what is wrong. He spoke against the extremist forces and wanted peace, equality & justice for everyone in Pakistan. He was the one who spoke for the innocent killings in Peshawar APS.

Everyone has the right to say anything provided if all of us remain within the prescribed boundaries that religion & our law lays. One should not give any false statement to defame anyone especially a martyr.

Allama Raja Nasir Abbas is observing hunger strike for the past few days against every oppressor & evil. He is against those evil forces who are playing their dirty games against Pakistan and killing inncoents for the sake of nothing. He is demanding justice, equality & religious harmony. He wants hate speeches to be finished and I am endorsing his valid points against extremism. As a Pakistani, I also demand a system where there is a justice, respect, harmony, equality & peace for everyone.

Our Pak forces are working day & night to save us from the internal & external anti forces and we all are standing with our forces. As I said earlier, lots of work is left to be done as extremism is still present in the society in one form or another. We all want justice and equality for everyone without any discrimination.

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